empathicbooks.com is a non-profits enterprise trying to make this a kinder and more just world for all those who live in it.

Many people feel that the world is not doing well and that, besides all the injustices causing lots of sufferings for many of its inhabitants, due to human environmental carelessness, greed and selfishness, humankind is on the way to self-extinction. 

In short, at the current rate of environmental degradation, worsened by intolerances, social inequalities, conflicts and all sorts of discriminations the future doesn’t look rosy for anyone. 

Especially so for young people to which the future belongs.

In fact many people, including scientists, think that humankind is fast walking into a global disaster that no science and technology can avert.

Politicians and economists talk about the economy, that is OK, but without respect and common sense there can be only chaos eventually leading to the collapse of human civilization.

To improve things at empathic books we try to boost respect and common sense in people of all ages, that are the two basic ingredients of a caring, healthy and stable world for people’s happiness.

Whatever we do is totally impartial and not linked to any ideology, belief or form of commerce or self interests.

Therefore we respect all thoughts, opinions and beliefs, as long as they don’t damage anyone or the planet.