We are a social and environmental, non-profits enterprise trying to make this a better and more just world for all those who live in it.

Many people agree that the world is not doing well and that, besides the many existing injustices that cause lots of sufferings for all its inhabitants, due to human planetary  carelessness, selfishness and greed, humankind is in danger of self-extinction. 

In short, at the current rate of environmental degradation, aggravated by intolerances, social inequalities, conflicts and discriminations of all sorts the future doesn’t look rosy for anyone. In fact many people, including scientists, think that humankind is walking into a global disaster that no science and technology can avert.

To improve things, we try to boost in people respect for all and common sense that are the two basic ingredients of a caring, stable world and of people’s inner happiness.

Politicians and economists talk about the economy, that is fine, but without respect and common sense there can be only chaos at all levels eventually leading to a collapse of human civilization.

To try to change people’s attitudes we exhibit our inspiring works in schools, universities, sport venues and other places, especially those attended by the young, because the future belongs to them and only they, can change the world with the right mindset. 

The reason for such generational focus is that in great part people of older generations are firmly set in their lifelong habits, opinions, beliefs, allegiances, perceptions, points of view and it’s very difficult that they change them. 

Whatever we do is totally impartial and not linked to any ideology or belief. That is, it’s independent and free of any ties to all forms of commerce, creed, dogma, propaganda, hype, social engineering, indoctrination, vested interests, prejudice or system of thinking.

That is, we respect all thoughts, opinions and beliefs, as long as they don’t damage anyone or the planet. Therefore we never engage in polemics where people try to impose their viewpoints on others.


Thank you ever so much for reading this page. -Bright Kitten, ISE’s editorial editor and blog’s posts visitors comments replier.