ISE’s works are unique in several ways.

They comprise several mediums such as books, comedies, musicals, images and digital displays.  

They are suitable for people of all reading ages.

They embrace several genres in the same work.

They cover all the issues supported by ISE such as: environment, racism, women’s rights and animals’ rights.

They educate and inform without preaching, or trying to impose opinions.

They have shown to have a knack for intuitively guessing important world happenings long before they happened.

They are also entertaining and amusing, while at the same time making people to think and reflect.

They have charming illustrations drawn by the author and sometimes music.

They can easily be rendered in audio, musicals, cautionary humorous comedies, or animated films.

Up to recently they have only been published in e-book format on amazon, but with the founding of as an independent educational enterprise, they are being made into paper books and audiobooks being the most popular with many people.

For the full list of those so far published in e-book, if interested, please click on the amazon page of their author Pierrot Armanno here printed in red, where there is also his bio. 

Or, just google Piero A. La Franca books, or Pierrot Armanno books on amazon.

Thanks for reading this page. – Bright Kitten ISE’s editorial editor and blog posts visitors’ comments replier.