Masks that People Wear

      “You will learn at your expenses that in the long journey of your life you will meet many masks and few faces.” *** The above phrase is by the 1934 Nobel literary prize winner Italian playwriter, novelist Luigi Pirandello. By masks he meant people who hide their true character, intentions, purposes or […]

Poor Children’s Rights

  “All sorrows are less with bread.”  -Miguel de Cervantes (Don Quixote) Spanish writer ***   Nowadays in many parts of the world we live in an environment overwhelmingly abundant with foods of all kinds. We just have to go into any supermarkets, food shops or open markets to be faced by the vast range […]

Women’s Rights in Afghanistan

  Escape  into Freedom and Respect Nadia Nadim was born in Afghanistan. Her father was killed by the Talibans when she was eleven years old. Luckly, her family managed to fee to Denmark. She could have blamed life for her cruel destiny, instead she decided to carry on as best as she could, taking full […]

Human Values

How to Value People Many nowadays would say: according to their wealth. Others to the riches would add the degree of their status, fame and influence. In fact, when asked about the worth of persons, many people point out those attributes as being the requisites for valuing any person and consequently their degree of happiness, […]

Common Sense

Common sense is the sound judgement on matters affecting everyone’s life. That is, it’s the ability to choose the right action, or verbal expression in every situation. Although it’s vital for the survival of every individual and humanity, nowadays common sense is very uncommon.  That is why the world is in disarray and many people […]

Discrimination and Racism

  “If your young red headed child was rudely called a “ranga” (which I have recently learned it is not a nice word) by someone walking past them on the sidewalk, how would you tell them to? You don’t want them to be you beat up by responding, but no response might not be good […]


The Problem of Knowledge   The elephant was in a dark house. Some people had brought it for exhibition. In order to see it, many people were going, everyone, into that darkness and as seeing it with the eyes was impossible, each one was feeling it in the dark with the palm of his hand. […]

Psychology – fear and anxiety

THE GIANT ______   Once upon a time there stood a poverty-stricken village at the foot of a mountain. On top of the mountain was some hidden treasure, which would solve all the villagers’ problems, but the treasure was guarded by an enormous giant, who bellowed so ferociously at anyone who climbed the mountain that […]